Tre Ciccio have provided a statement regarding the article in Altrincham Today:

Update: The landlord of the Ramsbottom Tre Ciccio has indicated this via social in regards to the report in Altrincham Today:

Tre Ciccio enter administration reports Altincham Today
I was shocked at this, and as the article itself states: ” The news will come as a major surprise for many, with Tre Ciccio seemingly having proved one of the town’s success stories”
I am conscious that running a restaurant is extremely difficult, especially in these times given recent similar reports in the news regarding Jamie’s Italian and Pizza Express
Initially I thought that this was just affecting the Altrincham restaurant however the article states:
“Patrick Lannagan and Conrad Pearson of Mazars LLP, the accounting and advisory firm, have been appointed as joint administrators for the Moss Lane restaurant, as well as its two sister restaurants in Ramsbottom and Bramhall.”
David Prior – Altrincham Today
Altrincham Today is not a publication I’m familiar with and there’s nothing on Companies House yet from what I can see.
The article also states:
No redundancies will be made while this process takes place…. Trading at the Altrincham and Ramsbottom restaurants will continue as normal while we assess the financial position of the businesses.
David Prior – Altrincham Today
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