Saturday marks the 7th annual Small Business Saturday on the 7th of December. 7th on the 7th, has quite a nice ring to it. If you’re not aware of Small Business Saturday, here’s a direct quote from their website:
Small Business Saturday UK is a grassroots, non-commercial campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities.
Small Business Saturday UK –
In short, what Small Business Saturday aims to do is highlight small business success and aims to encourage us all to “shop local”. This doesn’t just mean in shops though, this means local businesses too.
Ramsbottom has many independent small businesses and many of us do “shop local”, but we can always do more.
The Small Business Saturday website has lots of excellent information and tools including a local business search tool.
In 2016 they even made a 21 page small business cookbook highlighting various small businesses that helped to contribute to it’s creation. (I think this is something we could easily do in Ramsbottom given the number of local restaurants, 2020 anyone? Seriously, if you’re a local restaurant/food place get in touch and I’ll make it happen).
If you have a small business make sure you use the hashtag #SmallBizSatUK to get involved in the social media content and please register on their website
There were only a few businesses local to Rammy on the search tool, but there needs to be more. I think some of the businesses listed might also no longer trade? Either way, we have many more than this:
Small Business Saturday takes place every year on the first Saturday of December. If you’ve not been able to get involved this year (there’s still a couple of days) then make sure you’re ready for next year.
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